Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για decrement
1. "This disregard was described as ‘demoralizing‘ to the point where they said they are less likely to report concerns of performance decrement," the panel wrote.
2. Several senior flight surgeons told the panel that officials only wanted to hear that all medical systems were go‘ for on–time mission completion.‘‘ The flight surgeons told the panel that higher–ups in NASA were notified of major crew medical or behavioral problems,‘‘ but that the flight surgeons‘ medical advice was ignored. This disregard was described as ‘demoralizing‘ to the point where they said they are less likely to report concerns of performance decrement,‘‘ the panel wrote. Crew members raised concerns regarding substandard astronaut task performance which were similarly disregarded.‘‘ Fourteen astronauts, all but one with spaceflight experience, were interviewed by the panel, as well as five family members.